Mat Janson Blanchet's academic works


Module 4 Assignment: Reflect on personal fabrication for rapid prototyping

Posted on August 18, 2020

Human-Computer Interaction for User Experience Design

Question 1 Consider the high-performance applications you learned about in Unit 1. How could high-performance applications affect your industry or organization? What workplace processes or interactions could be changed by such applications? What do you think the impact of this would be? Write between 200 and 350 words in which you reflect on the potential […]

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Thoughts on personal fabrication and manufacturing

Posted on August 17, 2020

Human-Computer Interaction for User Experience Design

Question As you learned in the enrichment activity in this unit, personal fabrication is a powerful tool that has the potential to change the way products are manufactured. Read about the impact of 3D printing on auto manufacturing, and share your thoughts and ideas about how personal fabrication will continue to affect this industry in the […]

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Module 3 Assignment: Compare information management tools

Posted on August 11, 2020

Human-Computer Interaction for User Experience Design

Question 1 Consider the advantages of new developments in online discussion tools, such as NB and Wikum, that you learned about in this module. Write a paragraph of no more than 300 words in which you evaluate the usefulness of tools like NB and Wikum, in comparison with the usefulness of existing online discussion tools. […]

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Module 2 Assignment: Using natural designs

Posted on August 4, 2020

Human-Computer Interaction for User Experience Design

Question As you learned in this module, natural interaction can enhance the way users engage with technologies. Reflect on your personal or professional environment, and identify two technologies that could be improved by natural interaction. Write two paragraphs for each of your two chosen technologies. Your total submission should be no longer than 400 words. […]

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