Mat Janson Blanchet's academic works

Advanced Practices in Video, Performance, and Electronic Arts
IMCA 400

An advanced studio class in which students create a personal body of work, refine technical expertise, and develop a visual and critical language related to video, performance, and electronic arts. Topics are presented and discussed in seminar fashion. A group exhibition at the end of the year is required.

Within this advanced course, there will be most likely, individuals who have very different art practices. The course will focus, via a major studio project each term, on the idea of understanding your own process and developing a mature practice. By the end of the fall term, the class as a whole should be discussing the final exhibition, and other dissemination possibilities with the professor, as they relate to an individual’s particular practice and goals. This will carry over into the winter term and the professor will be directing the class towards a class exhibition. This exhibition mandate will be introduced, discussed, debated and creatively propositioned.


Institution: Concordia University
Program: Intermedia
Professor: Amanda Dawn Christie (Concordia University Profile, artist page)
Teaching Assistant: Ana Carolina von Hertwig
Semesters: Fall 2017, Winter 2018

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