Spooling with copper wire
Posted on February 11, 2018
Independent StudyAfter spending some time to debug the Arduino sketch for the spooling machine, I finally fixed the motor so it behaved properly. Naoto Hiéda showed me something quite interesting: the Arduino serial plotter, which renders values visually, and makes debugging much easier!
And so I went on to spool my pickup. It works quite well actually, there are only two few minor issues:
- The eyelets still extrude a bit—not even a millimiter—which can be an issue when the wire is at the bottom of the magnet. I have to pay attention when that happens, slow down the motor, and untangle the wire.
- The copper wire itself is very thin. So far, I have made three attempts, and eventually the wire snaps… The last attempt I did took over an hour of spooling before the wire snapped…
While there is not much chance that I will run out of wire, I do feel like I am wasting material. Not that it’s a lot of money wasted, but my time and the material I waste kind of annoy me…
I will order some magnet wire with a thicker gauge from Abra, in the hopes that the sound will not suffer too much.